Division of Flooding and Poverty
Climate change and increased flood hazards will drive increased poverty in the 21st Century. Through the study of displaced populations, disrupted economies, water-borne illnesses and the loss of ecosystem services and infrastructure caused by flooding, UC Blum Center Scholars are utilizing big-data to identify solutions to mitigate flood risk, foster peace and stability in flood-affected communities and empower citizens to action through widely-accessible information and leadership.
Projects & Team
Latest News & Research
Sanders: Rain, Floods, and Controlling the Flows in Southern California
In the aftermath of recent storms in southern California, San Diego, among other localities, experienced major flooding. Just as the region is set to face another major storm in the coming days, Dr. Brett Sanders, Blum Center flood expert has been sharing his...
New Publication: “Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate change”
Together with our collaborators at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, we've just published a new research article in the Journal of Climate Change and Human Health."Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate...
“Climate Change is Cause for Alarm- Not Surrender”
Blum Center director, Richard Matthew, shared reflections on global collaboration for climate mitigation and the unique challenges and opportunities we currently face in this regard for the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, of...
Research Lead
Brett Sanders (B.S., University of California, Berkeley; M.S., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. Sanders’ research group specializes in the development of innovative algorithms for flow and transport in river and coastal systems and the integration of information technologies to create more accurate and efficient simulation tools.
Project Information
- California’s aging dams face new perils, 50 years after Sylmar quake crisis (LA Times)
- ‘Expect More’: Climate Change Raises Risk of Dam Failures (New York Times)
- Researchers find collaborative flood modeling process effective (National Science Foundation)
- UCI, other researchers find collaborative flood modeling process effective (UCI News)
- Beach dynamics (UCI News)
- Scientists from UC Campuses Study Floods, Flood Socioeconomics (Spectrum News)
- What Is a Nuisance Flood, Exactly? (Eos)
- In a warming climate, ocean- and land-based floods are a disastrous duo, UCI researchers find (UCI News)
- Over time, nuisance flooding can cost more than extreme, infrequent events (UCI News)
Graduate Degrees
Employment Opportunities
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