UCI Blum Center Blog
Reflections on the 16th UN Biodiversity Conference
By Stephanie Martinez, UCI Blum Center PhD student Last month, I had the exciting opportunity to represent the Blum Center at the 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16). While COPs such as this are at the center of my studies, I’d never had the...
“Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development” – Director Matthew Co-Authors Chapter in New UNEP Report on Digital Technology in Environmental Peacebuilding Efforts
Last week, the UN Environmental Programme and the Environmental Peacebuilding Association released their latest technical report, "Digital Technologies for Environmental Peacebuilding: Horizon scanning of opportunities & risks" which aims to better understand and...
The Power of Music and Youth as Changemakers
Recently, the Blum Center was visited by two of our partners on the new Power of Music initiative, award winning filmmakers Michael Uwemedimo of Collaborative Media Advocacy Platform in Nigeria and Petna Ndaliko Katondolo of Yole!Africa in the Democratic Republic of...
Support that is Music to our Ears: $1.5million from The Drake Gives
We are thrilled and grateful to officially announce a new addition to our growing network of dedicated supporters! The Drake Gives, founded by Alec Glasser, donated $1.5 Million which will be used to support a new collaborative imitative: The Power of Music. Blum...
New Publication: “Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate change”
Together with our collaborators at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, we've just published a new research article in the Journal of Climate Change and Human Health."Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate...
“Climate Change is Cause for Alarm- Not Surrender”
Blum Center director, Richard Matthew, shared reflections on global collaboration for climate mitigation and the unique challenges and opportunities we currently face in this regard for the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, of...
Accelerating Freedom with Data- EverFree & Blum Center showcase survivor-focused assessment
At an intimate and well attended event, hosted at the Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the UCI Blum Center and EverFree - our community partner organization working in the anti-human trafficking field - showcased the...
Reimagining Urban Futures: The Case for Storytelling & Arts
Recently, the UCI Blum Center, in collaboration with the Climate and Urban Sustainability Program (CUSP), and the School of Social Ecology, hosted the award winning filmmakers Michael Uwemedimo and Petna Ndaliko Katondolo. Students, faculty, and non-profit partner...
Climate Resilience & ‘Genuine Security’ in Guåhan/Guam
What does sustainability look like for Pacific Islands in Oceania, namely the Mariana Islands? What does it entail for islands that are ancestral homelands for Indigenous peoples, as well as the U.S. military presence that claims/colonized the island? Dr. Tiara...
Climate Change Could Push Billions out of Habitable Zones
Last week, ProPublica journalist Abraham Lustgarten published a piece covering recent scientific research detailing how and where dramatic climate changes are or will soon force populations out of the habitable zones called the "climate niche". The authors of the...