When in Peru, working at “La Cuna”…

When in Peru, working at “La Cuna”…

Global Service Scholar: Allison Anaya Country: Peru I don’t consider myself a person with strong preconceptions. It seems to me that with every word a person says, their personality is revealed like a layers of petals, and I enjoy being surprised by what I learn....

Living in Ayacucho

Global Service Scholar: Alexis Lewis Country: Peru Every day starts with my alarm at 7 a.m. As my roommate and I are getting ready, we listen for the bell that Ruth rings to signal that breakfast is ready. Ruth is a friend of our host family who cooks every meal for...

A day working behind bars

Global Service Scholar: Valerie Nguyen Country: Peru It’s 5 a.m. and I’ve just woken up to turn on the boiler for the shower – otherwise I’d only have cold water. I go back to sleep for an hour before getting up again to shower. Then, it’s time to return to my bed and...

Night and Day

Global Service Scholar: Centeera Plummer Country: Ghana Upon arriving in Ghana, I have been most surprised by the extreme levels of poverty. The differences in day-to-day living in Ghana compared to California are like night and day. And the overwhelming feeling I...
Challenges of living like a Ghanaian

Challenges of living like a Ghanaian

Global Service Scholar: Erika Pfeiffer Country: Ghana Though I came into Ghana with an open mind and without too many preconceived notions, I definitely underestimated the lack of clean water and availability of certain hygienic items at my site. I was also surprised...