The UCI Blum Center is honored to welcome Distinguished Visiting Scholars representing a variety of regions and fields of study. Durations range from short visits to year-long appointments.

Martín Burt (Ph.D., Tulane) is founder and CEO of Fundación Paraguaya, an organization dedicated to the elimination of poverty. As a pioneer in applying microfinance, microfranchise, youth entrepreneurship, financial literacy and technical vocational methodologies, he has also developed the Poverty Stoplight.

Siddharth Kara (M.B.A., Columbia) is an author, screenwriter, researcher, and activist on modern slavery, child labor, and related human rights issues. He is an adjunct lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, a visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, and a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley.

Bishnu Raj Upreti (Ph.D., Wageningen) is the Executive Director of the Nepal Center for Contemporary Research (NCCR). His work includes teaching, research, and policy debate in the fields of conflict transformation and peace building, security sector governance, and unconventional security issues.