Public Perceptions of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a highly complex and global problem. How we respond to  this issue, how anti-trafficking efforts are shaped both in policy and in civil society, depends in no small way on how the issue is understood and perceived by the general public, decision makers, and practitioners.  As part of our broader research on identifying solutions to trafficking and supporting survivors, we are investigating public perceptions of what human trafficking is, what drives it, and how to prevent it. 

The research team includes Maureen J. Purcell,  Dr. Angela Robinson, and Dr. Richard Matthew from the University of California, Irvine

Focus Group Information

If you are a human trafficking survivor-expert with expertise on human trafficking within Orange County, California, or the USA and are 18yrs or older,  we invite you to participate in a  collaborative focus group. The purpose of this focus group is to make a space for human trafficking survivor-experts to contribute their experience and expertise to the development of an effective survey tool.

The focus group is expected to take place once and last for about 3 hours.  Survivor-experts who participate will be compensated for their time and travel. Your contributions will be confidential.

Questions? Contact Maureen J. Purcell, Lead Researcher, at

(note: there is only one ‘l’ in the email address)

Dr. Maureen J. Purcell

Dr. Angela Robinson

Dr. Richard Matthew