What it means to be a teacher

What it means to be a teacher

Global Service Scholar: Kayli Savage Country: Cambodia My visit to Cambodia has been so rich in culture, kindness, and people. The quality of life may be poor, but the quality of the people is far superior. They are such gentle spirited and hardworking individuals,...

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Aguije, Paraguay

Aguije, Paraguay

Global Service Scholar: Susie Garcia Country: Paraguay Interning with the Global Service Scholar Program has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. From beginning to end, this trip was an amazing experience. All the friendships I made and all the things I...

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Dhan ya bahd, Nepal

Dhan ya bahd, Nepal

Global Service Scholar: Lara Nguyen Country: Nepal To find the precise combination of descriptive words and phrases to elaborate upon my time here in Nepal would simply do a disservice to all the experience has done for me. When I sat in the terminal waiting for my...

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It takes a village

It takes a village

Global Service Scholar: Alexis Rodriguez Country: Cambodia It takes a village; teachers, staff, members of the community, parents, and volunteers all play a significant role in shaping and developing a child’s education. The second day we arrived in Cambodia we had...

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What Comes Next

What Comes Next

Global Service Scholar: Lazaro Vargas Country: Paraguay Before departing to Paraguay, I thought I would get homesick and depressed since I would be living for a month in a different country that was very far away from home. Moreover, this would be the first time I...

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Contrasts and Comfort Zones

Contrasts and Comfort Zones

Global Service Scholar: Jordan Stead Country: Nepal Outside the rain spotted window of the car, the passing cityscape is a blur of color and construction. It is almost as if the city is either half built, or half destroyed. The small, old buildings line the...

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I Am Second

I Am Second

Global Service Scholar: Jonathan Lee Country: Cambodia After recounting the days I spent in Cambodia to various friends and family, it’s easy to remember events that occurred, but understanding takeaways from each learning moment is difficult. Even now, I’m...

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