Blum Center coastal research lead, Dr. Brett Sanders, is featured in a new short film “Running out of Time: The Race to Save San Clemente Beaches”. This short film is part of a campaign by local organization Bring Back our Beaches, which is trying to bring more attention to the dramatic beach loss that is afflicting San Clemente beaches. Dr. Sanders role in the film helps viewers understand the extent and causes of the beach erosion by analyzing satellite images of the San Clemente sea shore going back to the 1980s.
Watch the short film here on the BBOB website, or on Youtube
The Orange County Register recently covered the premier of this new short film Blum Center coastal researcher Brett Sanders sat on the panel of experts and politicians which followed the premier to discuss solutions. The OC Register quoted Dr. Sanders speaking about sand replenishment and recent causes of beach loss-namely strong storms and associated erosion. The article also highlighted the need for more federal and state funding for beaches, citing the strong connection of California’s beaches, including those in San Clemente, for the economy.
Read the full article here.