Kelsey Morgan, a UC Irvine Blum Center PhD candidate and co-founder of the anti-trafficking nonprofit EverFree, was recently quoted in The Orange County Business Journal. Morgan spoke about track records of identifying, intervening, and recovering sex trafficking victims versus victims of labor trafficking. The article itself explains the prevalence of various types of trafficking in the Orange County area and those making efforts to assist victims and survivors.
The article includes a recounting of Morgan’s real-world experience in working to stop labor trafficking in our communities. Morgan also points out the alarming increase of labor trafficking following the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world in 2020.
Further, the article highlights Morgan’s digital tool for survivors and anti-trafficking organizations. The Freedom Greenlight tool allows survivors to give survivors a voice in their own care and helps organizations evaluate what’s working and what isn’t–hopefully bettering the effectiveness of anti-trafficking efforts.
If you want to read more about the different efforts to stop human trafficking in Orange County, click here.